Donate to the SDX Foundation

Support SDX DC and ensure that the legacy of journalism excellence continues. Your tax-deductible contribution to the SDX Foundation of Washington, D.C., will help young journalists who will be our future press corps, SPJ members and leaders.

You may copy and print out the donation form below for inclusion with a mailed donation, or copy and paste it into an email sent to, with Donation to SDX-DC in the subject line, and indicate the date you made an electronic donation.

Make checks payable to the SDX Foundation of Washington.

Mail to:
SDX Foundation of Washington
c/o Society of Professional Journalists
Washington, D.C., Pro Chapter
PO Box 19555
Washington, DC 20036-0555

Or use this button to donate through PayPal:

 — Donation Form —


I would like to:

___ Start a scholarship fund in honor/memory of:


___ Contribute to a present fund honoring:


___ Make an undesignated contribution to the SDX Foundation in the amount of: __________



Name: _______________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________


Phone(s): ______________________________________________

Comments and Instructions: _________________________________


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